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Hey everyone! Today’s post is just a quick update about a few things:
Update #1: I’m going to be much more active and consistent with my YouTube channel starting today ( Today’s video is already released and I have a lot of videos scheduled to be released as the month goes on. The plan is to release 5 videos per week.
Three of them (Monday/Wednesday/Friday) will be educational speedrun/playthrough videos where I play from a 600 rapid rating on eventually up to a 2000+ rating while explaining my thoughts during the games. The openings played in these three videos each week will be the Reti Nimzo Larsen Attack (White opening starting with 1. Nf3 2. b3), the Benko Gambit (Black opening vs 1. d4) and the French Defense (White opening vs 1. e4). These three openings were chosen because they are openings that I made courses about on Chessable (see update #2 below).
The other two videos each week (Tuesday/Thursday) will focus on solving tactics. Tuesdays will be an educational solving session where I work from a 400 tactic rating eventually up to a 3000+ tactic rating. Thursdays will involve’s puzzle rush in its various forms with survival mode being the flavor for this first week.
If you’re interested in checking out the videos then the first one can be found here:
And if you’d like to receive updates about the channel then you can click the “subscribe” button on my channel profile here (it’s free like Substack!):
Thank you in advance for the support!
Update #2: As mentioned above, I have a few courses on Chessable and all of them are on a July 4th-related sale for a few more days. Here’s a quick rundown of the courses with shorts descriptions from Chessable:
“Survive and Thrive: How to Blunder Less and Defend Better”
Improve your defensive calculation and stop losing games you should win! Endorsed by GM Sam Shankland.
“The Reti: Nimzo-Larsen Attack”
Start with 1. Nf3 and keep things flexible with this hypermodern approach from GM Zherebukh and FM Perrine.
“The Benko Blueprint: From Theory to Practice”
A unique openings repertoire on the Benko gambit with middlegame lessons for all.
The Simplified French is your perfect introduction to this solid opening
If you’re interested in checking out any of those courses then you can click on the links above. If you’d like to see the full catalog of my courses (including a few free courses) then you can click here:
The July 4th sale ends in three days so don’t wait too long!
That’s it for today. See you in the next post!